
Tim Williams . Paul Pigat Live in the CommonUNITY Sunday August 18th, 2024


Sunday, August 18th, 2024
3pm – Doors at 2:30pm

Join us for an upclose and  personal afternoon. Come on along!

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About Tim Williams - A producer/performer on four JUNO-nominated projects

Tim Williams is one of our favorite local icons that has privileged us numerous times over the years. His 36 year career and constant work in the Calgary music industry is inspirational for so many. Always such a pleasure to share an afternoon with one of my favorite local celebrity musicians that has been such a key builder of the music scene in Calgary & huge part of developing live spaces that we enjoy today.

American born, long time Canadian blues and roots artist Tim Williams began his career with Epic Records for whom he recorded his first LP in 1968 (Blues Full Circle, featuring Pee Wee Crayton and George “Harmonica” Smith in the backing band, and produced by Chris Strachwitz).

His return to full-time performing began with his appearance at the 1988 Edmonton Folk Festival, where he wowed every audience he played to, won praise from folks like Jimmy Dale Gilmore, and was re-united with old pal Tom Russell. Since then it’s been a steady stream of tours, recordings, and interesting side projects. A producer/performer on four JUNO-nominated projects (Triple Threat, Little Miss Higgins, Ray Bonneville, and Williams, Wayne & Isaak) and perhaps forty others, plus over a dozen solo and side group cds, Tim remains an active session musician and occasional producer. Skilled craftsman on dobro, banjo, mandolin, and harmonica he is a busy session musician with a full schedule of club gigs, open mics, recording sessions and concert dates.

Paul Pigat - Blessed with a jazz man’s sheen, a rockabilly heart and a hobo’s soul 

Thrilled to have Paul stop in for a first visit here at CHC and with Tim Williams on the stage together is going to be makes a recipe for a great afternoon shared with these Storyteller/Singer.Songwriters/Performers. Come on along!

About Paul Pigat

You’d never think it to look at Paul Pigat, but behind that unassuming grin and underneath those Doc Watson glasses lurks one of the most restless, combustible musical imaginations ever crammed like so much canned heat into a single body. Blessed with a jazz man’s sheen, a rockabilly heart and a hobo’s soul, there aren’t many genres of music that don’t pull at Pigat’s wayfaring imagination like a magnet. In many ways, it’s a mystery why Paul Pigat isn’t a household name yet. Maybe he’d be a lot easier to pin down if he wasn’t so darn good at so many different things.

Paul has shared the stage and lent his guitar mastery to some fine musicians over the years such as Jeff Beck, Jackob Dylan, Michael Kaeshammer, Albert Lee, James Burton, Brian Setzer, The Reverend Horton Heat, Neko Case, Jim Byrnes, The Sojourners, Carolyn Mark… this list could go on and on!

Website: https://paulpigat.com/paul-pigat/#about